Your meal is your mirror.
Who We Are {Culinary Playground for Higher Consciousness}
At Alchemy Taste, we see that our highest potential is deeply connected to our relationship with the ingredients in our lives.
Our journey began from a community desire for exceptional, nutritious, & delicious ingredients that inspire conscious self-care. Our mission is to make this as accessible as possible.
Since our inception in 2018, we continue to bloom into an offering of selective products that will transform your relationship to your food, body, mind, and inner-awareness.
Everything we offer is created with the intention that each taste, sip, and aroma, draw you inwards to your centre of fulfillment, peace, health & joy.
Alchemy Taste’s core principles are infused with Mother Nature’s.
Loving in offering, Abundant in diversity, Balanced in exchange, Masterful in design.
We are sharing Nature’s wisdom & artistic-perfection through Taste.
You Are as you eat. So how do you Taste ?
Message from The Founder
My intention for this platform is to share a Taste of beauty through the highest vibration ingredients that encourage our highest potential.
By providing ingredients cultivated as Nature originally intended, we aim to spark greater presence, mindfulness, wonder & awe in everyday life.
These qualities are essential to realize Who and What we are at an experiential level; evolving into a foundation of Self Awareness & Self Mastery. Through this choice of greater self-care and well-being, we aim to be a resource for those who feel in alignment with Nature’s highest purpose for ourselves; to ripen from seed to fruit; as tasty as can be.
With Care,
Daniel Rohan
“Your meal is your mirror.”