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Your meal is your mirror.

Who We Are {Culinary Playground for Higher Consciousness}

At Alchemy Taste, we know that our highest potential is deeply connected to the quality of ingredients in our lives.

Our journey began as a self-realization & healing journey, which has flourished sharing Nature's love and wisdom with all.

We value & commit to exceptionally pure, nutritious, & delicious certified organic ingredients that inspire conscious living. Our mission is to make this available to all, because Connection to Nature is Our Birth Right.

Since our inception in 2018, we continue to bloom into an offering of certified organic ingredients that will transform your relationship to your food, body, mind, and inner-awareness.

Everything we offer is created with the intention that each taste, sip, and scent, draws you inwards to your centre of peace, health & joy.


Alchemy Taste’s core principles are a reflection of Mother Nature’s.

This means only the cleanest certified organic ingredients. Sustainable development, and mindful-minimal packaging that respects the earth; recognizing that we are all interconnected.

We are sharing Nature’s wisdom & artistic-perfection through Taste.

You Are as you eat. So how do you Taste ?

Message from The Founder

By providing ingredients cultivated as Nature originally intended, we aim to infuse greater presence, mindfulness, wonder & awe in everyday life.

These qualities are essential to actualize a foundation of Self Awareness & Self Mastery. We aim to be the premier certified organic resource for individuals & communities that live from integrity, purity, and devotion; for themselves & the Earth we live on.

We're here with you on your journey as you ripen from seed to fruit.


With Care,

Daniel Rohan

Your meal is your mirror.
— Alchemy Taste