Alchemy Taste's ingredients offer a variety of Certified Organic, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO & Fair Trade standards, & are lab tested to ensure purity & potency.
Why our salts taste & feel better?
It starts with the source. The secluded waters of Moloka’i is home to a rich, diverse eco-system that naturally contributes to purifying and enriching the water with essential minerals & electrolytes. This living Moloka’i Island water is then filtered to the highest standards; FDA bottled-water standards, eliminating impurities with obsessive precision.
This pristine water is then left to the Sun to patiently evaporate until it becomes the beautiful crystal you have in your hands. The best salt makers know that patient solar-evaporation, creates a much more delicious & nutritious salt.
5 times more mineral rich than pink Himalayan salt, low in sodium, and being exceptionally delicious make Alchemy Taste Hawaiian Salts the top choice for those who never compromise nutrition and quality.
Why our organic spices & herbs?
Our discerning selection of spices, botanical plants, and herbs are influenced by our Sri Lankan heritage. Rich culture infused with medicinal-culinary principles, abundant landscapes, overflowing wisdom & art, have seeped into everything we offer.
This cultural immersion has been the compass for how, why, what, and where we source all of Alchemy Taste spice & herbs. Organic cultivation is a must, respect for the farmers, sustainable harvests, & nutrition are top priorities when curating our ingredients.
Our spice & herbs will take you on a journey, a poem, a ride through the senses. We’ve sourced only the best Tastes around the world that uphold the beauty, integrity, & magic within each ingredient.
Why our organic superfoods?
Appreciating & receiving Mother Nature’s gifts in her most raw, powerfully-authentic form is a key principle of vitality. A potent catalyst to realize your own potential.
Alchemy Taste Superfoods reflect this quality. Made by Nature, as pure as its meant to be. Lab Tested, Certified Organic, Raw, Kosher, Full-spectrum superfoods. Feel your best and experience all that you are made to be, just the way Nature intended.
Why and how to use our ingredients?
We aim to be synonymous with exquisite flavour & potent nutrition, taking any good meal and transforming it to an extraordinary one.
We are a resource for you to optimize yourself through the finest raw, mineral-rich, culinary ingredients. Our selective Tastes include Organic, Kosher, Fair-Trade, & Non-GMO certifications to ensure the highest caliber of standards and experience for you.
As a result of this quality, a little goes a long way with our products. Start with a bit to get familiar, and tune to your own unique Taste.
Have another question? Please email create@alchemytaste.com , we’d love to chat.